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Buy America Compliant


BTC POWER is a leading North American manufacturer of electric vehicle charging systems, offering a wide range of DC and AC charging solutions from 7.2 kW to 350 kW. With more than 22,000 charging systems sold worldwide, BTC POWER serves a variety of diverse markets seeking to tap into the rapid demand for EV charging systems, including charge point operators, convenience stores, retail centers, fuel stations, governments and municipalities, along with supporting fleets of all sizes. Founded in 1999, BTC POWER leverages its proprietary technology and extensive power electronics expertise to deliver high-performance charging solutions for electric vehicles, heavy-duty transit and specialty vehicles.

Take advantage of NEVI program funds

The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program is a federal initiative designed to accelerate the deployment of EV charging infrastructure across the United States. The NEVI program provides funding and guidelines for organizations to install fast-charging stations along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFC). By participating in NEVI, organizations can access financial support, contribute to the national EV charging network and position themselves at the forefront of the growing electric vehicle market. NEVI-compliant chargers must meet specific requirements, including:

  • Minimum of four 150 kW DC fast-charging ports per station
  • CCS (Combined Charging System) connector type compatibility
  • 97% uptime reliability
  • Ability to accept multiple payment methods
  • Located within one mile of highway exits and intersections

Buy America provisions for NEVI-compliant chargers

NEVI program funding map

NEVI-compliant EV charging solutions

The Buy America requirements under NEVI emphasize using US-manufactured components and materials in EV charging infrastructure, including NEVI-compliant EV chargers. For one, all manufacturing processes for iron and steel products used in the project must occur in the United States. Additionally, all manufactured products must be produced in the US, with at least 55% of the cost of their components made domestically. This requirement aims to strengthen the US supply chain for EV charging equipment. Other key points include:

  • Compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standards
  • Support for domestic manufacturing and job creation in the growing clean energy sector
  • Potential for waivers in specific circumstances


BTC POWER’s commitment to US manufacturing positions us to meet these Buy America standards, supporting the goals of the NEVI program, NEVI-compliant EV chargers and domestic industry growth.

Buy America Compliant Chargers

EV charge

Gen 4 Public Dispenser

The Gen 4 Public Dispenser is a NEVI-compliant charger offering up to 360kW power output with a 500-950V DC range. It supports simultaneous charging and multiple connector types (CCS1, CHAdeMO, NACS). With a modular design for future upgrades, various payment options and amperage choices (200-500A), it provides a versatile, high-power charging solution ideal for public installations. Find more information about the Gen 4 Public Dispenser here.

BTC POWER’s NEVI-compliant solutions combine advanced technology, reliability and compliance with federal standards, making us an ideal partner for organizations looking to leverage NEVI program opportunities.

Gen 4 All-in-One (AiO)

BTC POWER’s Gen 4 All-in-One (AiO) DC Fast Charger is a NEVI-compliant, award-winning solution offering 120-180kW power output. It features multiple connector options, simultaneous charging, and liquid-cooled cables for 500A continuous charging. With a modular design, integrated cord retraction, and various payment options, it provides a flexible, user-friendly experience. The AiO’s compact design and Buy America compliance are ideal for NEVI program installations. Find more information about the Gen 4 All-in-One dispenser here.

Buy America Compliant Chargers and the NEVI Program

Utilize Government Funding to Help Install EV Chargers!

Download the NEVI guide to understand:

  • What is NEVI?
  • How do I purchase a Buy America compliant charger?
  • What does it cover?
  • How do I choose a NEVI/ Buy America compliant charger?
  • Meet with a NEVI specialist to help you today!