How to Apply for NEVI Benefits
Click on your state to learn how to apply for NEVI Benefits.
Questions? Contact a NEVI Specialist
Questions? Contact a NEVI Specialist
NEVI Information for Alabama
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
(334) 242-5290
NEVI Information for Alaska
Alaska Energy Authority
(888) 300-8534
NEVI Information for Arizona
Arizona Electric Vehicle Plan Team
(800) 915 - 4301
NEVI Information for Arkansas
Arkansas Department of Transportation
(501) 569-2000
NEVI Information for California
California Energy Commission
(916) 654-4287
NEVI Information for Colorado
Colorado Department of Transportation
(303) 757-9011
NEVI Information for Connecticut
Connecticut Department of Transportation
(860) 594-2560
NEVI Information for Delaware
Delaware Department of Transportation
(302) 760-2080
NEVI Information for Florida
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4100
NEVI Information for Georgia
Georgia Department of Transportation
(404) 631-1990
NEVI Information for Hawaii
Department of Transportation
(808) 587-2218
NEVI Information for Idaho
Idaho Transportation Department
(208) 334-8000
NEVI Information for Illinois
Illinois Department of Transportation
217) 782-7820
NEVI Information for Indiana
Indiana Department of Transportation
(855) 463-6848
NEVI Information for Iowa
Iowa Department of Transportation
NEVI Information for Kansas
Kansas Department of Transportation
IKE, The Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program
NEVI Information for Kentucky
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
(502) 564-4890
NEVI Information for Louisiana
Louisiana Department of Transportation
(877) 452-3683
NEVI Information for Maine
Efficiency Maine
(866) 376-2463
NEVI Information for Maryland
Maryland Department of Transportation
(833) 600-2751
NEVI Information for Massachusetts
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
(857) 368-4636
NEVI Information for Michigan
Charge Up Michigan
NEVI Information for Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Transportation
(651) 366-3402
NEVI Information for Mississippi
Mississippi Department of Transportation
NEVI Information for Missouri
Missouri Department of Transportation
(888) 275-6636
NEVI Information for Montana
Montana Department of Environmental Quality
(406) 444-6459
NEVI Information for Nebraska
Nebraska Department of Transportation
(402) 471-4567
NEVI Information for Nevada
Nevada Department of Transportation
(775) 888-7000
NEVI Information for New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
(603) 271-3734
NEVI Information for New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection
(609) 777-3373
NEVI Information for New Mexico
New Mexico Department of Transportation
(505) 795-1401
NEVI Information for New York
The New York State Department of Transportation
(518) 862-1090
NEVI Information for North Carolina
North Carolina Department of Transportation
(877) 368-4968
NEVI Information for North Dakota
North Dakota Department of Transportation
(701) 328-2500
NEVI Information for Ohio
Drive Ohio
NEVI Information for Oklahoma
Oklahoma Electronic Vehicle Infrastructure Program
NEVI Information for Oregon
Oregon Department of Transportation
(888) 275-6368
NEVI Information for Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
NEVI Information for Rhode Island
Rhode Island Department of Transportation
(401) 222-2450
NEVI Information for South Carolina
South Carolina Department of Transportation
(855) 467-2368
NEVI Information for South Dakota
South Dakota Department of Transportation
(605) 773-3265
NEVI Information for Tennessee
Tennessee Department of Transportation
(615) 741-2848
NEVI Information for Texas
Texas Department of Transportation
NEVI Information for Vermont
State of Vermont Agency of Transportation
NEVI Information for Virginia
Virginia Department of Transportation
NEVI Information for Washington
Washington State Department of Transportation
NEVI Information for District of Columbia
District Department of Transportation
(202) 673-6813
NEVI Information for West Virginia
The West Virginia Department of Transportation
NEVI Information for Wisconsin
Wisconsin Electrification Initiative
NEVI Information for Wyoming
Wyoming Department of Transportation.
Looking for Funding?
Learn about NEVI government funding
Ready to learn more about NEVI program funding? See our infographic with the basic information and what costs NEVI covers.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the NEVI plan?
NEVI (National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) program is a federally funded program allocating $5.4 billion to building EV charger infrastructure across the country. The funds will be allocated at the state level.
Who can receive NEVI funds?
Most states are allocating NEVI funds through an RFP process.
Are there requirements to receive NEVI funds?
Yes. Most of the requirements for NEVI funding include location and the type of EV charger that can be installed. Installations must be located within one mile of designated corridors called Alternative Fuel Corridors, typically along main highways. Approved installations cannot be more than 50 miles away from each other.
Charging stations must be capable of charging four vehicles at 150kW simultaneously. The BTC GEN4 180 kW and the Split System offers NEVI compliant configurations.
Any organization interested in using NEVI funds must match 20%. Some states do have alternative funding and grant opportunities available to help with additional costs.
How can I get started on the NEVI program?
A great place to start is your state’s website. In the map above are links to the NEVI pages for each state. Information can include the status of your state’s planning, the corridors, videos, presentations and how to get more information.
Why should I participate in the NEVI program?
NEVI is a great opportunity to receive funding for a program that could also increase foot traffic to your business. EV drivers will seek out and visit fast-charging stations giving your organization the ability to attract prospective customers. This is a limited-time opportunity for one location at a time, so take advantage of NEVI funding in your local area.
States are looking to participate in NEVI to meet EV promises and increase tourism.
What do NEVI funds cover?
NEVI funding covers eligible costs such as planning, acquisition, installation, and operation of the charging unit.
How do I get started with NEVI?
The first step is to go to your state’s website and check the status of your state’s program. You’ll also want to check that you are located along one of the Alternative Fuel Corridors. If your state is not yet accepting RFP, you can start planning by learning about NEVI-approved chargers and the power requirements for installing a charger at your proposed location. You can read more about NEVI here.
Schedule a meeting here with our NEVI specialist!