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BTC POWER utilizes the E.ON Whistleblowing protocols

Indications of possible violations of laws and regulations in the E.ON Group can be reported via the E.ON Whistleblowing Channels. E.ON’s whistleblowing Channels include the online-based E.ON Whistleblowing System and the E.ON Whistleblowing Hotline. Reports can be submitted by filling out an online form in the E.ON Whistleblowing System or by voice message via the E.ON Whistleblowing Hotline.E.ON employees, E.ON’s business partners, their employees and other third parties can turn to E.ON’s whistleblowing channels with confidence.

The E.ON Whistleblowing Channels are open to information about possible cases of corruption, fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion, human rights violations, violations of antitrust and capital markets law, insider rules, data protection law, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act or other violations of the E.ON Code of Conduct.

The Whistleblowing channels are not intended for customer complaints or other contract-relevant issues from customer business (e.g. electricity or gas supply contracts). Please contact our well-known customer hotline for this purpose.

How to contact E.ON's Whistleblowing System

E.ON Whistleblowing System

The link below will take you to the E.ON Whistleblowing System, which is available in multiple languages.

E.ON Whistleblowing System

E.ON Whistleblowing Hotline

The E.ON Hotline is available in multiple languages. You can find more country-specific telephone numbers here.

Please do not use this hotline for customer concerns.

You can find your contact options as a customer here.

+ 44 20 37696413 (available 24 hours)

Please note that no phone number will be displayed or recorded when reporting via the E.ON Whistleblowing Hotline.

If you would like to receive feedback from us, please provide your contact details (e.g. e-mail address, telephone number) when reporting.

Further information

Human Rights Complaint Procedure

Download the E.ON Rules of Procedure Supply Chain Act below for the most important information on the complaints procedure for human rights and environment-related complaints under the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

E.ON Rules of Procedure Supply Chain Act

Data protection

For more information on the data protection of the E.ON Whistleblowing Channels and the E.ON Whistleblowing Hotline, please see the data protection information.

Data protection information E.ON Whistleblower Channels

Overview external reporting offices

A list of external reporting office at national level as well as external reporting channels of EU institutions, bodies or agencies can be found here.

View list of external reporting offices